M2S - Magazine to Stories

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 Dream big dreams;

 Only big dreams  have the power to move men’s souls. 


Table of Contents

Stories of the Day: Part 1

🌸 The Bees and the Beetles

Far away on the hills, there was a forest full of many different trees and plants. Different kinds of animals, birds and insects lived in the forest.

There was a huge beehive on a tall tree. The Bees were always busy collecting honey and filling their combs.

On another old tree, close to the tree with the beehive, was a colony of Beetles. They lived in the old tree trunk.

The Bees and Beetles were very good neighbours.

They never troubled each other and always went their own ways. They lived peacefully with each other.

One day, the friendly Bees invited the Beetles for dinner. The Beetles arrived and dinner was served.

The Bees offered the Beetles some of the best honey that they had.

The Beetles did not like the taste of honey. They barely ate anything and then flew away.

The next day, all the Beetles invited the Bees over for dinner. A plate full of dung was served to the Bees. The Bees could not eat even a single bite. They remained hungry and flew back home.

πŸ”₯Two people can have different likes and dislikes,
but still they can be good friends.


🌸The Bear and the Crabs

Once upon a time, a Bear lived in the forest. He was huge and would eat a lot of food. However, he was very lazy. So, he enjoyed eating the remains of the prey left by the bigger animals.

One day, the lazy Bear felt very hungry. He could not find any food around his den. The poor Bear waited and waited. Then, he started walking in search of food.

He thought to himself, ‘Oh! How I would love to eat some bamboo or fruits! But I would be the happiest if I found a beehive with honey!’

Now, at the end of the forest, there was a rocky shore along the big blue sea. The Bear soon reached the rocky shore. There, he found a firm rock and held on to it. He lowered his furry legs into the cold water and waited. Some Crabs that lived in the sea caught the

Bear’s fur, thinking it was their prey. The Bear, at once, pulled his legs up and shook off the Crabs on the rock. Then he enjoyed the food he had cleverly collected all over his legs.

πŸ”₯Even the lazy think of good ideas, when they are hungry.


🌸The Wild Doves

One day, a Bird Catcher went to the forest to catch some Wild Doves. He took some of his own Tame Doves and tied them to his net. Next, he spread out the net and hid himself behind a tree.

Soon, the Wild Doves flew into that area. They saw their tame relatives happily sitting among the cords of the net. The Tame Doves did not look as if they were in any danger! So, the Wild Doves flew close to where the Tame Doves were sitting. Suddenly, the knots of the net tightened around their tender feet. The Wild Doves were trapped. They were very frightened and tried hard to escape. However, the Bird Catcher came running out from his hiding place.

The Bird Catcher easily caught the Wild Doves.

The Wild Doves said to the Tame Doves, angrily, ‘Why did you not warn us? Why did you let us get
caught? We are your relatives. Do you not care about us?”

The Tame Doves replied, ‘We wanted to make
our master happy. That is more important to us than pleasing our relatives!”

πŸ”₯Good servants are always faithful to their

🌸The Owl and the Nightingale

Once, there was an Owl who lived in an old, broken-down temple.

The temple had a large library. It was full of books about history, literature and religion. The Owl studied these books all day. As time passed, he grew very proud of his knowledge. Now, he believed that he was the most intelligent of all creatures.

Thus, the Owl read the library’s books every day, and then pretended to be lost in deep, wise thoughts. One such day, the Owl was sitting on a tree, outside the temple, with his eyes half closed. Suddenly, a Nightingale came and sat on the same tree. Soon, she began singing in her sweet voice.

At once, the Owl opened his eyes and said to the Nightingale, “O proud Nightingale, stop your song! Do you not see that I am thinking of wise things? Your silly song is disturbing me!”

To this, the Nightingale replied, “Foolish Owl! You think that you will become learned just by reading some books and pretending to be wise? Only the intelligent know how sweet my songs are. Only, they can truly admire my voice.”

πŸ”₯Learn from books and from everything else around you.

🌸Five Wild Dogs

There was a river in a forest. Once, it rained so much that the water in the river rose over the bank. Soon, there was a flood in that part of the forest.

All the animals’ houses were under water. Then, Five Wild Dogs saved many animals from drowning.

Soon, the rains stopped and the water level in the river fell again.

The King of the Forest, the Lion, was very happy with the Five Wild Dogs. He called all the animals of the forest for a meeting and said, “These are brave and kind Dogs. They will eat with me, in my den, for a week. You must all respect them, too.

All the animals clapped their hands. Then, suddenly, a Rabbit said to the Lion, “Your Majesty, these Five Wild Dogs are not brave or kind. I heard them talking among themselves, this morning. They said that they had saved

the animals so that they could eat them later.”

The Lion was very angry with the Five Wild Dogs

and shouted, “Get out of my forest, you selfish fellows!”

πŸ”₯Good deeds done for a selfish motive, are not
worthy of praise.

🌸The Wolf and the Ass

Once, there lived a pack of Wolves in the forest. The Wolves hunted animals in the forest and the nearby village every day, but they did not have a leader.

Therefore, one day, the Wolves decided to select a leader among them.

Thus, a Wolf was selected as the leader. The leader Wolf lectured others about the deeds they should do, but did not do them himself.

One morning, the leader called all the other Wolves and said, “Dear friends! What I am about to say is very important. All of us should be selfless, because it is evil to be greedy. Therefore, I have made a law. While hunting, if you see that any of our brothers is hungry; then you shall give your food to him.”

The other Wolves were very impressed. They said, “Hear! Hear! We have a fine leader. We should do as he says.”

An Ass who was listening to them said, “O leader Wolf! Let us begin the selflessness with the sheep that you killed last night and hid in your cave.”

The leader Wolf ran away quickly to his cave, so that no one could eat his sheep.

πŸ”₯Act according to your words.


Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Marib was a happy-go-lucky monkey who lived in the jungle. All day long he would jump from one tree to another, swinging by his tail and gobbling bananas. He loved the big green trees in the jungle, for this was his sweet home!

One fine sunny morning, Marib was sitting on a banana tree chomping delicious bananas. He looked down at the other animals grazing in the lush, greenfield below. He saw goats bleating and running here and there in fright. “Thank God, I am not a goat, otherwise I would have been always afraid of being eaten up by a lion.” Then Marib saw some camels chewing acacia leaves and pitied them for having to eat prickly leaves. “I am happy the way I am. Whenever I am hungry I can easily move from one tree to another picking my choice of fruits and watch all the animals sitting atop the tree!”

Marib was about to eat another banana, when he heard a great noise. He looked up and saw the big grey clouds thundering aloud. “Let me gather some more bananas before the rains start splashing down on the ripe fruits,” he thought and quickly jumped from branch to branch gathering some ripe bananas. A while later, it started raining heavily. All the animals started running for shelter. The goats cried.for help and ran to the nearby caves. The poor camels got wet and all the birds came back to their nests, fluttering their colourful wings. The anthills were washed away too. All the poor little red ants got drenched! Marib covered himself with a big banana leaf and prayed that the rain would stop soon. “God, please save these poor animals!” he cried. After a few hours the rain slowed down, but the rivers were flooded and the earth was all wet. The ants started looking for a new place to build their home all over again. Marib shook off the leaf and climbed down. He was thankful that he lived on trees.

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🌸The Mouse and the Douglas-fir Cone

A plump mouse used to live in a forest. Near the mouse’s hole, lived a fox who was always on a lookout to eat the mouse. In fear of being eaten up, the mouse seldom used to leave the hole. One day, the mouse was very hungry and gathered courage to venture out of his hole. “I’ll die without food!” he moaned. But as soon as he came out, the fox started following him.

The mouse ran as fast as he could, but the fox was faster. The mouse knew his end was near unless he found a hiding place. Suddenly, he spotted a Douglas-fir cone, with prickly spikes all around it, lying on the ground. Though he was able to escape through it, one of his legs got stuck in the prickly spikes. To this very day, the mouse’s feet can be seen sticking out of the cone id so the legend lives.

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A Girl Who Married a Snake

In the village of Rapi, there lived a Brah and his wife. They were childless and very unhappy about it.

One day, the wife cried to the Brah, “All our neighbours have children and I yearn to have a child too. Please pray to the gods so that they may bless us with a child.”

Their prayers were soon answered. The Brah’s wife gave birth to a baby. Alas, the baby was no ordinary baby. It was a snake!

“Oh my God It is not a human being!” cried one of the relatives when she came to visit the baby.

“You cannot bring up the snake as your son. Get rid of it immediately. It is a bad omen.”

“One day it will bite you to death,” warned another relative.

But the Brah’s wife was not ready to listen to any of them. “I can’t part with my son. So what if he is a snake?”

She took care of her son and gave him the best of things. Years passed by and the snake had grown to its full size. Now the Brah’s wife told her husband, “It is high time we think of our son’s marriage”.

“Which girl is going to marry our son?” asked the Brah in shock. “Only an insane person would agree to get his daughter married to a snake.”

The Brah’s wife became very sad. She loved her son dearly and wept at his fate. Seeing his wife’s condition, the Brah decided to go out in search of a bride for his son. He decided to go to the city where his best friend lived.

“What made you come so far from your village?” asked his friend.

“Well, my friend I am looking for a bride for any son,” replied the Brah.

You need not look any further,” said his friend. “You can get your son married to my daughter.”

Before you decide, you must come to my place and meet my son,” insisted the Brah.

“My friend, we know each other so well. I don’t find any need to see your son.” He fixed up his daughter’s marriage with the snake.

The girl’s friends were shocked. “How can you marry a snake?” they asked her. “Your life will be ruined.”

“I will honour my father’s words,” she told her friends. “I trust that everything happens for the good.”

They were soon married. She was a devoted wife and she kept the snake in a well-decorated pot. She showed him proper respect, and served him milk and fruits everyday.

One night the girl woke up with a start. She saw a handsome young man in the room. She got scared and screamed, “Help! Help! There is someone in the room!”

She was about to run out of the room but the man stopped her saying, “Don’t be afraid. I am your husband.”

The wife asked, “How could I trust you?”

To convince her, the man went back into the snake’s skin and came out of it again. Seeing this, the wife was elated. Her joy knew no bounds. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks and she embraced him.

The Brah, who had risen very early that morning, overheard the entire conversation. He saw the snake turning into a handsome man and realized immediately that it was his son. Without wasting a single moment he rushed to the room, picked up the snake skin and burnt it in a fire.

Seeing his father the young man said, “Thank you father!

It is the immense and unconditional love that has freed me from the curse. I was forced to stay as a snake until somebody destroyed the snake’s skin without asking me.”

Later that day, the Brah introduced his son to the entire village. The handsome young man and his beautiful bride lived happily ever after.

The Brah was happy for his devoted daughter-in-law for her.

πŸ”₯Trust never fails.

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🌸Trust The GOD As You Trust Your Most Loved Ones

A man just got married and was returning home with his wife. They were crossing a lake in a boat, when suddenly a GREAT STORM arose. The man was a warrior, but the woman became very much afraid because it seemed almost hopeless:

The boat was small and the storm was really huge, and any moment they were going to be drowned. But the man sat silently, calm and quiet, as if nothing was happening.

The woman was trembling and she said, “Are you not afraid?. This may be our last moment of life! It doesn’t seem that we will be able to reach the other shore. Only some miracle can save us; otherwise death is certain. Are you not afraid? Are you mad or something? Are you a stone or something?

The man laughed and took the sword out of its sheath. The woman was even more puzzled: What he was doing? Then he brought the naked sword close to the woman’s neck, so close that just a small gap was there, it was almost touching her neck.

He said,” Are you afraid?”

She started to laugh and said,” Why should I be afraid?

If the sword is in your hands, why I should be afraid?

I know you love me.

” He put the sword back and said, this is my answer”.

I know God Loves me, and the storm is in His hands








πŸ”₯Moral: Develop Trust.

This is the trust which one needs to imbibe. and which is capable of transforming your whole life.

Any less won’t do!

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Home Sweet home

Spotty was a dog who lived in a small town with others of his kind. His days were spent pleasantly as he foraged for food with others and dozed in the shades when the afternoon sun was at its hottest. He played and enjoyed a lot with his friends.

Once the town was struck with famine. There was no food and Spotty grew restless with hunger. Soon he became very feeble. He thought to himself, “This town has nothing to offer now-no food and no fun. I will go to the city. I am sure I will find food and frolic to my heart’s content.” Thus the next day at the break of dawn Spotty set out for the city. Once in the city he was indeed lucky. He found a house with a place in the back-yard where all waste food was dumped. Spotty ate the delicious leftovers every day and grew stout in a few days.

One day the pet dogs of the house-owner were roaming loose in the backyard. As .soon as they detected Spotty they attacked him. They dug their sharp teeth into Spotty’s soft and stout flesh. With deep wounds and torn flesh Spotty ran to save his life.

Spotty did not stop running till he reached back his home town. At once his old friends greeted him and the dogs enquired of him, “Dear friend, what was it like in the city? Did you have much fun? Surely your health shows that there is no lack of food there but how did you hurt yourself?”

In reply, Spotty said, “Oh yes friends, city life has its advantages but there is no place like home, even if there is no food here at least I am loved and welcomed amidst my own brethren. ” By saying this he proceeded to tell his tale to his friends.


πŸ”₯Grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence.

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🌸Tale of the Three Fishes

It was twilight. The sun had hidden itself behind the mountains. In a nearby lake there lived three fishes. Their names were Anang, Pratyam and Yadhva. They lived happily for ages.

One day, some fishermen were passing by the pond. They were happy to see the pond full of fish. One of them said, “Hey, we have never seen this pond before. It seems to be full of fish.” The other one said, “Yes, let us come tomorrow and get a good catch.”

Anang overheard the fishermen and was afraid. “Now we will all be caught!” thought Anang,

“I have to tell my friends about this.” Without wasting time he called a meeting of all the fish and told them the bad news. 9J1-1les, we move out of this pond immediately, we would all be caught”

Almost everybody accepted his suggestion andwere ready to move out of the pond but for Yadhva. “Your plans are useless,” he said. “I am not scared of the fishermen and I am not going to leave this place. Moreover I am very confident that even if they come, I can go deep under the water and dodge their nets.”

Anang tried to convince him saying, “You are taking a wrong decision. I am sure you will repent later.” These words fell on deaf ears.

Pratyam and Anang, with the other fishes swam to the other pond. The next day, the fishermen caught Yadhva.

Yadhva thought sadly, “It is because of my pride that I am in this condition. I should have listened to my friends for they wanted to save me.”


πŸ”₯It pays to trust good friends.

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The Cunning Rat

Jim was a cunning rat. One day, When he was just about to come out of his hole, he saw a cat waiting outside, ready to attack him. “If I go out now she will surely eat me up,” thought Jim. He went back inside his hole and joined the other rats inside. There, he asked another rat, “Friend, why don’t you come out with me to the cornfields? It would be nice to have your company.” The second rat was simple and did not suspect anything. He agreed to accompany him. ‘Yes. I would love to go with you. I’ve heard the field is full of goodies,” he said. Then Jim said, “You are my guest. You must go first.” So off they went, merrily hopping along. As soon as the other rat jumped out of the hole, the cat grabbed it and made a meal of it. Cunning Jim quickly raced past the cat without being noticed.

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The Tale of the Brave Cat

Chloe was a little girl. She had no friends but loved animals, especially cats. On her tenth birthday, her father took her to an animal shelter where there were many cats. “You can chose a cat to take home, Chloe,” said her father. Chloe was overjoyed! She hugged her father and said, “Oh! This is my best gift ever.” Chloe liked all the cats at the shelter, but fell in love with a particular cat who had big, bright eyes. “I’ll take her,” Chloe said and named her Star. In a few days time, Star became very naughty. When Chloe was around she was good, but the moment she left for school, Star got down to her tricks. She tore the curtains, clawed the seats, lapped up all the milk in the kitchen and often stole fish. Chloe’s parents were very angry. One day, they told Chloe that they would return Star to the shelter, if she did not learn to behave.

Chloe was very worried, she did not know how to tame Star. Then one day, Star gave birth to kittens. They mewed and waved their tiny paws. From that day, everything changed. Star was no longer a naughty cat. She took good care of her kittens. However, Chloe’s parents were worried now that there were so many cats in the house. Every night when the kittens meowed, her father became very angry. One night. Star cried so loudly that everybody woke up. Chloe worried now that there were so many cats in the house. Every night when the kittens meowed, her father became very angry. One night, Star cried so loudly that everybody woke up. Chloe and her parents came rushing and saw Star running about frantically. Seeing Chloe, Star looked towards the kitchen and Chloe understood that her cat was trying to tell her something. Suddenly, they noticed a huge fire in the kitchen. “Hurry, let’s go out!” screamed Chloe’s father. “But what about the kittens?” asked Chloe. Chloe quickly grabbed Star and one kitten. There was no time to pick up the others and rushed out. But Star wriggled out and leapt back inside the house. Soon the fire brigade arrived. They warned everybody to stay at a safe distance from the house. “Please save my cat. She is inside!” pleaded Chloe. Suddenly, Star emerged with one kitten in her mouth. The firemen tried to stop her but she ran inside the house again. One by one she brought out six kittens, but her last baby was still inside. Star jumped inside as the flames engulfed the house. Chloe and her parents looked on anxiously. The firemen brought out their huge pipes and began spraying water. After almost an hour, the flames died. Everything was quiet, but still there was no sign of Star. Chloe cried inconsolably. She had lost her best friend. Suddenly her father exclaimed, “Look, Star!” Chloe looked up. One of the firemen emerged from the house with Star and her last kitten. Star’s ears and fur were singed and she was limping. “She is a brave cat,” said the fireman. “Indeed, she is,” agreed Chloe’s father. “Her screams alerted us all.” “And she is a star all right!” quipped Chloe as she rushed to embrace her cat. The scared kittens snuggled around their mother, as all the neighbours gathered around to have a look at the brave cat.

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Time With Someone You Love

A tired man came home late from his whole day hardwork. His 5yr.old son was waiting for him at the door. Son – Dad , may i ask you a ques ? Dad – ya.. Son – dad , how much do you make an hour? Dad – thats not your business. Son – plz tell me Dad – 20 $ per hour Son – dad , may i plz borrow 10 $ ? Dad got a…ngry and shouted on the kid to go to the bed. The litle boy went to the room and shut the door. After sometime man got calm and he went to kid’s room and said – Sorry for being so hard. Here’s your 10 $ you asked for. Kid smiled – oh thank you daddy ! Then boy took out some coins he had kept under the pillow, he counted them and said – ” Dad , i have 20 $ now. Can i buy an hour of your time ? Plz come home early tomorow. I would like to have dinner with you.”

πŸ”₯Moral – plz give time to people who love you. But even better, share 20$ worth of time with someone you love…. (¯`•¸·´¯)

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Rabbit the Hunter

One day, Hunter Rabbit went hunting. Suddenly, he saw a track of big footprints and thought they belonged to a giant. He found nothing to hunt in the forest and thought that the giant must have hunted everything. Hunter Rabbit returned home empty-handed and ate berries for dinner. The next day, Hunter Rabbit left early but found nothing. He was tired of eating berries. “I must do something,” he declared. This time, he decided to lay a net. But the next day Hunter Rabbit found that a hole had been made in the net. Now, Hunter Rabbit’s grandmother was a magician. “I’ll make you a magic net that cannot be cut,” she said. Next morning, when Hunter Rabbit went to see his net, he saw a blinding light coming from it. Alas! He had captured the Sun! The Sun said, “Let me out, or else, the world will remain dark forever!” Hunter Rabbit quickly freed the Sun. The Sun kicked Hunter Rabbit on his shoulders in anger and the heat turned them brown. That’s why rabbits have brown shoulders and still eat berries.

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The bag of salt

The lion, the hyena, the tiger, the zebra, the ostrich and the snake met at the waterhole. Just then, the lion spotted a bag on the ground. He sniffed at it and cried, “It’s salt!” They were very excited. The zebra said, “Let’s eat it.” So, the ostrich pecked a hole in it and the salt trickled out. All the animals took turns in tasting it. Very soon, they began to fight over who should keep the salt. A clever jackal was passing by. He told them, “Close your eyes and count to hundred. Whoever finds it first, can keep it,” he said. When the animals opened their eyes they found both the jackal and the bag gone!

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There’s Something in the Lake!

One evening, a donkey, a deer and a beaver were swimming together in a small lake. It had been a while since they had been swimming. Now it was getting dark. Suddenly the deer shouted, “Something bit me, I think there is something in the water, let’s get out.” The donkey also felt and a slight pull on his tail and shouted, “Oh! ‘I think there is a monster in this lake, let’s get out!” The beaver too felt a nip on his tail. He added, “Friends, this lake is haunted!” And they all got out of the water. When all three had left, a naughty bear swam out of the lake from the far corner. He chuckled aloud to himself, “Ha! Ha! Ha! It was fun scaring them.” After that evening, whenever the bear saw these three together, he always smiled to himself.

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🌸The Bunny Family

Once upon a time there lived a Papa and Mama Bunny. They had four children-Angora, Harlequin, Lilac and little Rex. Papa Bunny loved working in his vegetable garden and grew all kinds of vegetables. One day, Papa Bunny went home for lunch. Angora hugged him. “Papa, did you bring a cabbage for me?” Papa smiled and nodded and gave her a cabbage with a kiss. Then Harlequin demanded.” Can I have some lettuce?” Papa nodded and gave Harlequin lettuce. Next, Lilac demanded eggplant and Papa gave her eggplant. And little Rex got his radish too. Then Papa Bunny gave Mama Bunny a basket of vegetables. The bunny family happily chomped vegetables. Papa and Mama Bunny looked on contentedly at the little bunnies. Mama said,” Thank God, we have a vegetable garden!”

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The Frog Girl

Once, there lived a poor childless couple. They longed for a child. After many years, the woman gave birth to a baby. But to their astonishment, instead of a normal human child, it was a girl frog! The couple raised their frog child with as much love as they would have given a normal child. She grew up to be an excellent singer. One day, a prince was passing by. Enchanted by her voice he exclaimed, “What a lovely voice! I wish to marry the owner of this melodious voice.” Little did he know that the singer was actually a frog! The frog girl agreed to marry the prince on one condition. “I will enter the palace and bridal chamber in an enclosed carriage,” she said. The prince agreed and they were married. At night, the frog hopped on to the bed but the prince pushed it away in disgust. The poor frog girl was heartbroken and went back home. Days passed. One day the prince once again passed by her house and heard her singing. He again wanted to marry the singer. This time the frog girl agreed to marry him without any condition. She sat in a little carriage that was pulled by a rooster. On the way, the prince met three fairies who gifted him with a fine horse carriage and many servants. The third fairy turned the frog girl into a beautiful maiden. After that, the maiden and the prince lived happily ever after.

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🌸A Swaying Good Time

Bobo the monkey climbed a coconut tree. Soon the breeze began to blow a little stronger and the tree swayed from side to side. The coconuts started falling to the ground. Bobo held onto a coconut so that he would not fall. But there was sudden gush of wind and he fell down with a loud thud. More coconuts fell and hit Bobo on the head. Bobo thought it might be fun to hold the trunk and sway along with it. So that’s what he did. “Whee!” he said and had a swaying good time! Then he fell for the second time. This time Bobo found a cave and rested there till the storm was over.

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🌸The Fox and the Bramble

Peter Fox was a grumpy and selfish fox. One day, he saw some kids gamboling alone in a field across a hedge. “They will make such a delicious meal.” he thought, his mouth watering. He was climbing up the hedge, when suddenly, he slipped and was about to fall. He quickly clutched a thorny bramble to save himself. “Ouch! Ooooh! Help,” exclaimed the fox in pain. The bramble had pricked the fox all over and hurt him badly. He rubbed his sore body unhappily. The fox became angry and said to the bramble, “I held on to you for help but you pricked me! I wish I had fallen on the hedge instead. The hedge wouldn’t have hurt me this badly!” The bramble replied,” You are so selfish! I saved you from falling. Instead of thanking me, all you can think of are the M., pricks you got! To the selfish, the whole world seems selfish!”

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🌸The Greedy Dragon

Once, in a big castle, there lived four little mice. Bore was the eldest while Yoba was the youngest. Daily traders brought loaves of bread, nuts, and cheese to the castle. “I am the oldest so I will get the biggest piece!” declared Boret. Jilma and Hargon came next. “I never get anything!” wailed Yoba. One day, no trader came. ‘A big dragon is blocking their path,” panted Squiggly the squirrel. Boret said, “What shall we do? We have to find a way out.” Yoba replied, “I have an idea, but if it is successful then you must promise me that you will always divide the food equally… All of them agreed. The mice collected many jars of jam and took them to the dragon’s cave. The dragon ate them all and had a terrible stomach ache. He clutched his stomach and groaned, “Oh, I am dying.” The mice were hiding nearby. Yoba shouted from the hideout, If you go A the mountains, you will never have it stomach ache again.- The dragon believed them and we away. The traders began coming again and the mice were very happy.

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🌸The Birdbath

A little girl called Megan had a birdbath in her backyard. Every day she would fill it with fresh water and many birds would come flocking to wash their wings and tails. One day Megan’s friend, Gina came over. “Let’s go and play,” she said, “you can fill the birdbath later.” Megan hesitated but Gina was in such a hurry that she agreed. Since there was no water, the birds were disappointed and flew away. When Megan came back, her father showed her a lone blue bird that had been waiting all day. “That bird is also your friend. Megan. You have to think about her too.” he said. Megan filled the birdbath and the blue bird splashed happily in it. To Megan’s delight, all the birds were back the next day.

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🌸The Fox and the Lapp

Once upon a time there was a cunning fox. One day, he lay in his cave feeling bored.

Suddenly he heard an approaching sledge. “Let me try out a trick,” he thought. He then lay on the road, pretending to be dead.

Soon a Laplander passed by and saw the fox. “Oh! I will take this dead fox to the market.” decided the Laplander and put the fox on his sledge. After some time, the Laplander found the fox lying on the road again. “How is this possible? I had put this by in my sledge. It must be bewitched. I will put it in the other sledge,” thought the Laplander and placed the fox in the sledge full of dead fish. The sly by picked up a bagful of fish and slipped into the jungle. After some time the Laplander realised something was wrong, but he was too late. The fox had already taken his fish!

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🌸Donald the Cat

A group of mice used to plunder M. Ste confectionery every night. There would be broken dishes, scattered trays and crumbs of food on the floor. The only one to ad him of the menacing mice. he thought, would be his cat. Donald.

Donald was a silly cat. He crept up quietly and pounced on them. All the mice ran for the life, except for one who got stuck in as bowl of pudding. When he saw Donald approaching he took some cherries from the pudding and aimed than at the cat’s eyes. As the cherries hit his eyes, Donald mewed for help and out popped all the mice. They sprayed chocolate sauce on Donald, threw breadcrumbs at him and chewed his tail. When Mr. Stewart arrived and saw Donald’s condition, he cried, “Oh, you good for nothing fellow, you’re a disgrace!” and shooed him away.

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🌸The Goat and the Ass

A man once owned two animals. a goat and The goat envied the a. because the ass could eat a lot of food.

One day. the goat said to the ass, “I pity you! One moment you have to work in the mill and the next moment you have to carry heavy burden on your back. Why don’t you fall down in the ditch and pretend to be ill? That way you can rest for some time.-

The silly ass did just that. But he was badly hurt after falling in the ditch. His master called a doctor who advised that a goat’s lungs should be rubbed on the ass’s wounds. The farmer killed the goat to heal the ass. Thus by wrongly advising the ass. the goat brought about his own death. You should never be jealous of other people.

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🌸The Monkey and the Crocodile

Once upon a time there was a clever monkey who lived by the river Ganga. A crocodile and his wife lived in the same river. One day, the crocodile’s wife fell very ill. She wanted to eat something special. She asked her husband to get her a monkey’s heart. The crocodile did not know what to do. Then he thought of his neighbour, the monkey. He said, “Friend Monkey, why do you waste your time eating the fruits of this tree? There are juicy fruits on the other side of the river.” When the monkey said that the river was too big for him to cross, the crocodile offered to take him on his back. After a while, the crocodile sank in the water along with the monkey. He told the monkey that his wife was sick and wanted his heart. The monkey realised that he had been foolish to trust the crocodile. He quickly thought of a clever plan to escape. He said, “Alas friend! Our hearts are not inside us. We have to keep them hanging on trees. I wish you had told me earlier. Let’s go back and bring my heart.” The crocodile believed the monkey and brought him back to the tree. The monkey at once climbed up the tree and escaped. He said to the crocodile, “You have a big body but no brains!” The crocodile had nothing to do but repent for his foolishness on being tricked by the monkey.

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🌸The Wise Old Bird

There lived a flock of wild geese in a very tall tree. The tree was in a dense forest in the foothills of the Himalayas. The tall tree had many leafy branches that spread out like strong arms. Among the geese was an old wise bird who noticed that there was a small creeper growing at the foot of the tree. He showed the creeper to the others and said, “We must destroy it. One day it will grow big and then the hunters can easily climb up and kill us.” But the other birds did not pay heed to his advice. They said it would be a pity to cut a small creeper. “But when it grows up, it will become strong and hard to cut,” the old wise bird said. “We’ll see,” said the others and promptly forgot all about it.

As time passed, the creeper grew taller and stronger and winded its way up the 0 tree just as the old goose had once said. One day when the geese had gone out in search of food, a hunter climbed up the tree with the help of the creeper and laid his net there. In the evening when the geese returned, they found themselves trapped in the net, much to their shock. They tried hard to get out but failed. They cried for help but there was no one to hear their cries. The night passed in fear and worry. The old wise bird said, “I had warned you all to cut off the creeper but you did not listen. This is the result of your own folly. Tomorrow morning the hunter will come and kill us all.” The birds realised that they had been foolish in not listening to the wise bird and said they were sorry. They had learnt a big lesson. Then the wise bird said, “I’ll tell you of a plan to escape. Listen carefully. Tomorrow morning when the hunter comes to take his net, be very still and pretend you are dead. He will not want dead birds so he will throw us to the ground. Before he climbs down, we must all quickly fly away. That is the only way we can escape now.”

The geese waited eagerly for the morning to arrive. The hunter came early next morning with his son. He was glad to see that he had caught so many geese. But when he climbed up the creeper, he saw that they were all dead. So, he threw the geese to the ground one by one while his son watched. Whoosh! All the geese flapped up in the air and flew away. The hunter and his son were left staring after the geese, shocked and puzzled by the sight.

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🌸The Eagle and the Fox

Once an eagle and a fox were very close friends. “Let’s live close to each other.” they decided. Sc, the eagle built its nest on a tree while the fox lived in the bushes close by One day, the fox went hunting. The eagle did not have anything to feed her eaglets. “I will get one fox cub,” she thought and fed it to her young ones. When the fox retuned, she was heartbroken. “You cheated me,” she said in anger and sadness.

Soon God punished the eagle. One day the eagle picked up a piece of goat flesh that the villagers had killed as a sacrifice, for her eaglets. She did not know that she was carrying a burning cinder along. The cinder set the nest on fire. The poor little eaglets got hurt. While the eagle cried, the fox said, “God has punished you for breaking a friend’s trust.”

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🌸Bright Eyes the Glider Possum

Bright Eyes was a possum, who lived with his parents. He used to live in his mother’s pouch. As the days passed, he grew a furry coat, pink ears and nose and a fluffy tail. One fine day, Bright Eyes’ mother climbed up a big tree on whose branches was hanging a big beehive. Bright Eyes popped his head out of the pouch and saw the big beehive. “What is that?” he asked his mother. His mother explained to him how he could collect the honey. After this, his father came and showed him how to glide. He asked Bright Eyes to expand his flying skin. This skin would help him keep afloat. He then held out his tail straight and leapt forward. Bright Eyes was very excited for now he could fly like a free bird. “Marvelous!” exclaimed his father who was watching his son joyfully. Bright Eyes went round and round then down and down and finally took a sharp curve and soared higher.”I can fly!” exclaimed Bright Eyes.

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🌸The Little Grey Donkey

The fair had come to the village after a long time. Everyone in the village was excited about it. The elders wanted to see the big games and the children ran to enjoy the different rides. But nobody came to the donkey man for rides. Raghu the donkey man was sad. “Alas! I will not be able to make a single penny. What will I gift my wife?” wondered Raghu. He waited for the children to come to him for rides.

The little grey donkey was watching all this. He loved his master very much. “How can I help my master?” he wondered. Then an idea struck him and he started to bray loudly. All the children were surprised to hear the noise and came running to the donkey. “What is he saying?” asked one child. Raghu joyfully said, “He is saying, come, ride me and see what fun it is!” Soon Raghu had many children queuing up to ride the donkey. He was very happy and so were the children.

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🌸The Root of the Matter

One day, a hungry porcupine came to a dog to ask for food. The dog took the porcupine to a sugarcane field and asked him to eat to his heart’s content. The hungry porcupine chewed away all the plants. The next morning, the owner noticed the dog near his garden and asked him if he had chewed the plants, “Sir, the porcupine is the culprit,” confirmed the dog. When the porcupine was questioned he replied, “Sir, you should judge the matter when both of us are present. Will you wait till I get the dog here?” The man agreed. The porcupine waited for winter to set in. Then on a cold winter morning, accompanied by the dog, he went to the man’s house to solve the case. When the man asked who the culprit was, the porcupine pointed at the dog. The poor dog could say nothing for his teeth kept chattering in the cold. The owner thinking this to be an admission of his guilt beat up the dog.

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Tony the Lonely Goat

Tony was a very lonely goat. He was often seen roaming the mountains in search of a friend. One day, when he went to the river and saw a small goat in the water, he bleated joyfully, “Would you be my friend?” The fishes in the river laughed aloud, “You stupid goat, that’s your reflection you’re talking to!” Tony was surprised. While walking back home, tears welled up in his eyes and he thought, “I am so unlucky, I don’t have any friend nor any siblings.” As soon as he reached home, his father hugged him tight. “Welcome, Tony, see what we have here for you!” Tony hurriedly went to the backyard and saw a little white goat lying beside his mother. “That’s your sister!” exclaimed his mother. Tony bleated happily, “I will never be lonely again!”

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🌸Turn Out the Light

Three bears, Rick, Rusty and Coal were very scared of the dark. So every night they lit the street lamps and went to sleep. One day, a bear named Arthur came to stay in the neighbourhood. “Who dare keep the lights on at night?” he growled. One by one he switched off all the street lamps and threatened to beat up Rick, Rusty and Coal if they dared switch on the lights. “We have to think of a plan to outsmart Arthur,” declared Rusty. They all thought hard and at last, Coal hit on a plan. That night they surrounded Arthur’s house with bulbs. Rick hid in the bushes and asked his friends to light all of them. Hearing a noise, Arthur woke up and opened his door. The bright light nearly blinded him and he tripped down the stairs. The three bears laughed and clapped their hands. “Don’t you dare switch off the lights ever again or else…” they threatened Arthur. Groaning in pain, Arthur went back to his house. That night all the bears slept peacefully.

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🌸The Cock’s Ruse

On a summer afternoon when the Sun shone bright, all animals complained about the heat. The Sun felt very hurt. He stopped coming out, making the Earth cold and dark. The animals immediately sent their messenger, the cock to enquire. When asked the reason for not showing up, the Sun replied, “I shine throughout the day to give you light and all you do is complain about how hot I am. I refuse to shine again.” “Which means I have to return home in the dark, while the wild cat prepares to pounce on me, “ lamented the cock. The cock flew away and after some time the Sun heard a loud call. Immediately, the Sun rose up and the entire Earth shone bright. However, the Sun could not find the cock anywhere. Since then, whenever the cock calls out, the Sun promptly shines bright.

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🌸Half Educated

Once there lived a wolf and a jackal. One day, the wolf bragged to the jackal, “You are not even half as educated as me.” The jackal quietly agreed, but suddenly a tiger roared, “Nobody is as educated as I am.” The wolf froze seeing the tiger while the jackal quickly thought of a plan to escape. “Sure you are, Sir and, therefor, we were coming to you for help,” replied the jackal. “We want you to decide who among the two of us should eat the chickens.” “First show me the chickens,” growled the tiger, who was thinking of savouring not only the chickens, also the healthy jackal and the wolf. The jackal to him to a small cave and said, “Sir, you have to enter the cave to see the chickens.” As soon as the greedy tiger went inside, the clever jackal covered the entrance with a huge boulder. might be more educated, but you are definitely not smarter than me!” called out the jackal. “I was wrong,” acknowledged the wolf, “you are certainly cleverer than me.

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🌸Kangaroos Get a Pouch

Once upon a time, in the tall grasslands of Australia, a Mother Kangaroo used to live with her son, Joey. One fine day, Mama Kangaroo was worried that Joey had been missing for a while. She hopped to the tall bushes to search and bumped into an old wombat. “Oh! Who is this who cannot leave an old blind wombat alone?” thundered the wombat. Mama apologised and told him that she was in a hurry. Wombat pleaded, “Please help me, I am hungry.” Mama told the wombat to hold her tail and she would take him to green pastures. Mama Kangaroo hopped with the old wombat behind and stopped where she saw the green grass so that the wombat could chew. The old wombat then asked, “Please can you take me to a river? I am thirsty.” Mama, though worried about her son, again helped. As she went ne the river, she saw little Joey sleeping near the riverside. She hopped to lift her baby and kissed him. The wombat turned into an angel and said to Mama Kangaroo, “Mama, You are the kindest of all animals. I had asked others too but nobody stopped.” The angel asked the Mother Kangaroo to tie a bark of a tree around her tummy. As she did so, it turned into a pouch! Mama was overjoyed and lifted her Joey into the pouch. From that day onwards, all kangaroos have pouches.

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🌸The Clever Reply

One day the lion, the king of the jungle, called an important meeting at his den. The lion was very dirty and so was his den. Unable to bear the smell, the zebra covered his nose. “How dare you cover your nose? Does my den stink?” roared the lion. The zebra had no adequate reply and the lion threw him out of the den. The king then asked the elephant the same question. “No, it smells of roses,” replied the frightened elephant. The lion wasn’t happy with this reply either and knocked the elephant’s trunk. He then asked the fox. “Sir, I have a cold so I cannot smell anything,” replied the intelligent fox. The lion was happy with this clever reply and made the fox his minister.

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🌸The Red – Feathered Hen

Red Queen the hen had red feathers. One day, Toby the fox saw Red Queen and said, “I’m going to eat this hen for dinner.” He said to his wife, “Keep the water boiling for a delicious chicken broth for dinner.” Off went Toby to catch Red Queen. He hid behind a tree and waited for her to cross that way. “Too-doodle -doo… Sqawck!” sang Red Queen walking merrily. Toby grabbed her neck and shoved her into a sack. The hen’s friend, the goose, saw what had happened. “I must help Red Queen,” she thought.

The goose lay on the road, pretending to be injured. Seeing the injured bird, greedy Toby left the sack to catch the goose. To his surprise, the goose got up and ran farther and farther away. Toby chased after her. Red Queen took this opportunity to climb out of the sack and escape. She put a stone inside. Unable to catch the goose, Toby returned. “At least I have a hen for dinner,” he thought. He picked up the sack and hurried home. He turned the sack over the pot of boiling water. “Splash!” The stone spilled hot water on the greedy fox and burned his paws!

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🌸The Day Dreaming Jackal

Bhilu was a hunter who belonged to a hill tribe. Every day he went out to hunt for animals using his bow and arrow. He was proud of being an adept archer. One day as he spotted a wild boar in the forest he thought to himself, “This large wild boar is sure to die at my hands. My skill at hunting will put it to an end.”

Then, Bhilu strung his bow and shot a sharp arrow directly to the boar’s back. The arrow tore at the boar’s back and caused a deep wound. In writhing pain and anger the wild boar rushed at Bhilu and pierced his stomach with its sharp and pointed fangs. At once the proud hunter and the wild boar lay dead due to their injuries.

Soon Chamataka, a jackal, came strolling by. At the sight of the dead hunter and the lifeless boar he was filled with glee, “Oh, my fortune ! Today I have found food that will last me for days. Fate was unkind to the hunter and the boar but it has shone for me.”

“The flesh around the arrow’s tip must be soft and delicious to chew. I shall eat the boar’s flesh from there slowly so as to enjoy this treasure.”

So thinking Chamataka proceeded to taste his succulent treat. Just as he bit into the boar’s flesh, the pointed arrow pierced the top of his mouth and came out between his eyes. Soon Chamataka too lay dead as the hunter and the boar.


πŸ”₯Think twice before you act!

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🌸The Cunning Jackal

Chatur, a Jackal, lived in a jungle. He hunted for food every day with his friends. One day he thought to himself, “Every day I work hard to catch animals for food. Then every evening I have to share it with other members of the pack. If I go across the river to the village then I can get juicy fruits and fat hens for my own. I can eat them in the village and come back to the jungle. This way I won’t need to share my food.”

The next morning Chatur woke up early and went across the river. He entered the sleepy village as the cock crowed. As he wandered near a poultry farm he saw a fat hen. At once his mouth watered at the thought of biting into the hen’s juicy flesh. So engrossed was he in his thoughts that he did not see the street dogs that had gathered at the end of the lane. The street dogs had seen the stranger’s presence and rushed at Chatur barking and growling at him.

Chatur turned around to see fierce street dogs barking at him. He ran to save his life. He ran into a house with an open door. As it was a dyer’s house, he fell into a tub of blue dye. He at once got out of the house and went back to the jungle.

When he reached the jungle all the animals looked at Chatur terrified and surprised. Chatur then saw his reflection in a nearby pond. Realising that he was dyed blue he thought of a plan. He called out, “Jungle dwellers, I am the Indigo King, sent by Lord to rule over you and care for your well being. I have been appointed King and caretaker of the jungle . Bow to me and serve me well and I shall protect you from all harm.”

The animals not knew why he was strange looking and coloured. Now Chatur had tigers, lions, elephants, deer, hares and leopards at his beck and call. He’ however banished his brethren, the other jackals, to the far side of the jungle.

Chatur enjoyed his role as a king and animals stronger than him served him, hunting for his food and obeying him.

One night Chatur heard the call of the his brother jackals. They were howling at the full moon. Chatur tried to ignore the call but then he could not resist anymore. Soon he too gave a howl, The tiger who stood guard at Chatur’s cave heard the call and realised that the Indigo King was no one else but the jackal of their jungle. He gathered all the other animals together and said. Hear, my friends, hear the cunning jackal’s howl. He is a common cheat and no king at all. Thrash him and banish him from the jungle as he banished his own brethren..”

All the animals then beat up Chatur who ran to save his life. He soon realised that he was being paid for treating his friends badly.


πŸ”₯Cherish your friends or you shall perish.

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🌸The clever Rabbit and the Elephant

A herd of elephants lived in a forest. They fed on the leaves of the wild trees and drank the cool water from the stream that flowed through the forest. One year, drought hit the area where the forest was located. Many animals fled the forest to other places which had no lack of water or food. The leader of the elephants was worried. He was called Iravat and he took good care of his herd. He sent his brothers to look for water. After a long search, they located a lake at the far end of the forest. They decided to quench their thirst and take their baths there very morning.

Now, everyday the herd would go to the lake to bathe and drink the sweet water of the lake. On the way, they would pass a colony of rabbits. They would not pay attention to rabbits on the ground. So, everyday some rabbits would be injured or crushed to death. As their number grew less, the leader of the rabbits called a meeting.

“Dear brothers and sisters,” he addressed his fellow companions, “We are all aware of how we are being killed by the unthinking elephants everyday. We must think of a way to save ourselves.”

Mikkoo was a young and intelligent rabbit. He said, “Sir, don’t worry. go as your messenger and ask the elephants to change the path they take to the lake.”

So with the leader’s permission Mikkoo went as a messenger. He spotted the elephant herd approaching and stood on the top of a large, high rock to save himself.

When the Iravat, the elephant leader came near, he said, “Respected sir, I am Mikkoo, a messenger from the Moon himself. The almighty Moon has sent mc to you with a private message, so please step aside.”

When Iravat came near, Mikkoo said, ‘The lake where you go to bathe and quench your thirst belongs to the Moon. He is very upset as you crush many rabbits on the way. As we are his close friends and guides, our sad plight has saddened and angered the Moon. He wishes to speak to you privately. If you would be kind enough I will escort you to the lake of the Moon for a meeting.”

iravat readily agreed for the meeting. When Iravat and Mikkoo reached the lake, the Moon was reflected in its still water.

“let me offer my greetings to the moon,” said Iravat and just as he dipped his trunk in the lake thewater stirred and so did the Moon’s reflection.

“Oh! See how the mighty Moon shakes in anger,” said Mikkoo.

But why is it so?” asked Iravat.

“You have angered him even more by touching the holy water of the lake at night,” replied Shweta.

At this Iravat said in a mournful voice, “Please ask the Moon to forgive us. We shall never come again to this lake nor we will ever harm the rabbits, loved so much by the Moon.”

Thus Iravat left with a promise never to visit the lake of the Moon and the rabbits lived safely and happily ever after.


πŸ”₯A lie that saves many lives is worth a thousand truths.

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🌸The Camel, The Jackal and the Crow

Long ago in the dense forest of botswana, there lived a lion named wils. His loyal servants were a leopard, a jackal and a crow.

One day, the crow spotted a strange creature coming their way. He came flying back to his friends and said, “There is someone unusual coming this way. We should be careful.”

“I am the king of the jungle,” said the lion. Why should I be afraid? Let’s go and meet him.”

When they saw the animal they were all surprised. They had never seen such a creature with long legs and a big hump on its back. “Who is it and what is it doing in my jungle?” asked the Lion.

“I am Todi, the camel,” he said. “I was a part of a trade caravan. I lost my way. Please help me!”

Out of pity, the lion asked him to stay along with them. The other three were not happy, but they had to respect the Lion’s wishes.

Days passed by. One day the lion had a great fight with an elephant. The lion was badly injured and was too weak to hunt.

His servants were too lazy to hunt and provide food for the lion. The jackal took the crow aside and said, “Friend, why don’t we kill the camel and survive.”

“No doubt it’s a great idea, but how? Our lord has assured him protection,” said the crow.

Together they made a secret plan to kill the camel. With tears in their eyes, they went to the lion. “There is no food in the forest my lord,” said the sly crow, “But I request you to have me for your meal.”

“No, your body is too small to satisfy the hunger of my lord,” said the jackal, showing his loyalty. “Let me sacrifice myself. That is the least I can do for my lord.”

The leopard intervened and said “Oh lord, I am bigger in size than my friends. So let me give away my life to save your life.”

All this while the camel was listening silently; he thought “Let me oiler myself as well.” Expecting the support of his friends the camel said, “My friends, you have been serving our lord for years. It will be difficult for the lord to kill one of you. Will you all let me offer myself?”

The camel then came forward and requested the lion to have him for that day’s meal. At once, the jackal and the leopard pounced on the camel and tore him to pieces.


πŸ”₯It is wise choose your friends carefully.

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🌸The Fox with a Snapped Tail

Once, Kallu the fox, was wandering in the forest when his tail got stuck in a snare. He pulled at it so hard that the tail snapped and a part of it remained in the trap. Kallu was very sad and envied the other foxes who had bushy tails.

He said to the other foxes, “You know friends, these tails are useless extensions to our bodies. They feel very odd and they look so bad! I suggest you cut them off! Look how freely I walk about!”

The other foxes saw through his jealousy and told Kallu, “If you are so free and feel good without your full tail, then why are you looking so unhappy without one?” Kallu quickly left the place in shame.

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🌸The Trickster Monkey

There lived a very naughty monkey named Mogri who loved to play pranks on other animals. He would drop rotten fruits on other animals and laugh at their discomfort. Samba the lion didn’t find Mogri’s tricks funny. It was insulting for the king of the jungle to have rotten fruits flung at him. He warned Mogri, “Wait! I’ll teach you a lesson soon.” But Mogri was too quick and managed to escape each time.

One day, Mogri dropped an overripe mango on Samba’s nose. But unfortunately, the branch on which he was sitting broke and he fell right on the lion’s back. Samba roared in anger and twisted from side to side to shake Mogri off. But the monkey clung tightly onto the lion’s back. Samba charged through the forest, yet Mogri, though terrified, remained on his back.

Finally tired, Samba bent down to drink water from a pond. Mogri took this opportunity to make good his escape. Ever since, Mogri was too terrified to play a trick on Samba.

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🌸How The Crows Became Black

Long ago, the crow used to be a white bird. In his neighbourhood, lived an owl who had a dye shop. The crow was fascinated by the myriad colours. He flew down to the owl’s shop and asked if his white body could be coloured. “I want to be the most beautiful bird in the world,” he said. The owl agreed and asked him to come the next day. Now the owl was slightly blind but he was too vain to wear spectacles. While mixing the colours for the crow, he poured black instead of lilac. The crow arrived early the next day. “There you are!” said the owl “Your colours are ready. Just dive into that pool of water.” The crow lost no time and dived in. But alas! When he emerged, he saw that he was dark in colour. He seethed with anger and cawed at the owl, “Why have you made me black? Wait till I catch you!” The frightened owl flew away and came out only at night when the crow was asleep. Since then, crows are black and owls’ venture out only at night.

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🌸Koobar the Koala and Water

Long ago, there was a young orphan boy named Koobar. He lived with his relatives in a dry country where water was seldom ound. His relatives ill-treated him and never gave him enough water. Koobar was always thirsty. One day, when his relatives went out, Koobar drank all the water and not even a single drop was left. “Oh no! My relatives will come and beat me!” he thou Koobar hit upon a plan. He quickly climbed a tall pine tree with all the buckets and sat there waiting for his relatives. Once they arrived and noticed that there was no water, they called out for Koobar. “There he is, hiding behind the branches on the pine tree!” cried one. “Come down or else we shall thrash you!” threatened another relative. They quickly climbed the tree and dragged Koobar to the ground. Then they beat him up with sticks. As tears rolled down his cheeks, the young boy prayed to God. Suddenly, he was transformed into a koala bear. Everybody was startled. Then Koobar announced, “From now on, if you cause any harm to me, I shall weave my magic charm and dry up all the water and you shall die of thirst!” That is why Koala bears are loved so much because everyone is scared that they might dry up all the water.

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🌸A Trunk Full of Clothes

Once upon a time, there lived a bear named Bartholomew who was loved by one and all in the jungle. One day, while Bartholomew went to the river to fish, he noticed a huge trunk. He nudged the cover and after much effort opened it. “What colourful clothes,” he exclaimed. “There are caps, pants, shirts, suits!” Bartholomew quickly took out, a shirt, a hat and a pair of trousers. Once he was ready, he went to the river to see his reflection. Suddenly, the monkey noticed him and swooped down to enquire. Bartholomew showed him the trunk full of clothes. Soon word spread and all the animals gathered around Bartholomew. Each wanted something to wear. Soon a tussle broke out. They snatched, pulled, pushed and scratched. ‘Stop it!” screamed Bartholomew. All the clothes in the trunk were torn into pieces and none had anything to wear. “Can’t help you because you had your chance as well,” pointed Bartholomew and walked away.

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🌸The Scorpion and the Frog

A scorpion lived in a dark and dingy cave near a mountain. He grew tired of his surroundings and wanted Lied a change. One day, he came out of his cave and noticed that the valley across the river was very green. He crawled up to the riverbank and wondered how to cross it. Suddenly, he noticed a frog leaping around. “Hello, Mr. Frog, would you carry me to the other side of the river?” asked the, but you scorpion. “I would have but you see I don’t trust scorpions,” replied the frog. “All scorpions are not bad. If I sting you on the way I will die for I do not know how to swim,” explained the scorpion. Now the frog saw enough reason in the scorpion’s statement and agreed to carry him across the river. So the scorpion hopped on to the frog’s back and they set out on the journey. The frog paddled his limbs through the water as fast as he could. Half way through the journey, he suddenly felt a sharp sting on his soft hide. “Why did you sting me? Now both of us shall drown,” cried he. “What can I do for this is my nature,” replied the unrepentant scorpion. The frog and the scorpion immediately drowned in the gushing water.

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🌸The Ape and the Bee

Once, an Ape saw thick syrup under a tree. The syrup looked golden in the sunshine. The Ape saw more drops of the syrup falling from a branch of the tree.

The Ape thought, ‘Oh! That must be honey!’

The Ape looked up. He saw high above him, a hive. He also saw that the Bees were buzzing and working together to make honey.

The Ape wished that he could climb up, break off a piece of the hive, chew it and enjoy the fresh honey! But he did not move at all. He sadly remembered, Just last week, I had tried to steal honey from the hive and the angry Bees had stung me! It was so painful!’

The Ape sighed!

A Bee flying up to the hive looked at him. The Ape asked the Bee, “How are you able to make such a sweet wonderful liquid like honey, and at the same time, carry such a horribly painful sting?”

The Bee nodded wisely and agreed, “Yes, you know our good work tastes sweet; but you must also know that when someone tries to steal it, our anger can be just as bitter!”

πŸ”₯If you learn from your mistakes, you will not get hurt again.

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🌸The Young Girl and the Hen

A Young Girl lived on a farm with her parents. She loved to play with the farm animals.

One day, while she was playing with the Hens and their Chicks, a Hen pecked her finger and bit it.

“Oh, Papa!” the Young Girl ran to her father, crying and holding out her hand.

The Young Girl’s father asked her, “My bonny little girl! What happened?”

The Young Girl said, “Oh Papa! The Hen hurt me! I am so kind to them, yet one of them bites my fingers every time I go to play with them. They are not nice!”

The Young Girl’s father took her small hand in his own large one. “The poor Hens think you have come to harm them or their little children. So they are scared of you and bite in fear. You should he careful. First play with them from a distance.

When you become friends, then they will never bite you” .

Her father continued, “My dear girl. You should try to understand and respect each creature. Even if they are not like us, they also have feelings and fears!”

πŸ”₯First understand people or animals and then get close to them.

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🌸The Dolphins, the Whales and the Sprat

In a sea, there lived Dolphins, Whales and many other small colourful fishes.

One day, the Whales harmed the fishes, who were friends of the Dolphins. The Dolphins got angry and started fighting with the Whales.

All the Dolphins gathered to fight against the huge Whales. The Whales said that they were big and strong. The Dolphins said that they were superior to the Whales. It looked like the fight would never stop.

When the fight became ‘rery serious, a Sprat lifted his head out of the sea and said, “I will solve the matter. I can stop the fight, only if you all accept me as your king.”

One of the Dolphins was very wise. He understood that the Sprat was taking advantage of the fight between the Whales and the Dolphins.

He replied, “We might get killed in our fight with each other, but will not let anybody interfere in our matter.”

The Sprat’s idea of ruling over the fishes failed. He understood that the Dolphins were very wise. They knew the interference of a third person would be harmful for everyone.

πŸ”₯Never involve an outsider in your internal matters.

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🌸The Ant and the Fly

Once, an Ant and a Fly were fighting over who was more important.

The Fly said, “Ant! What do you think you are? How can you even think about comparing yourself to me? Look at me! You have to work hard but I pass my time with the rich and the learned. I fly into the temples and taste the offerings. I can sit on the King’s crown and kiss the Queen’s forehead. I do not work, yet have the best life!”

The Ant replied, “Don’t be so proud! You are always hated when you enter the temples. You are driven away as soon as you sit on the King’s crown or the Queen’s forehead. You do not have anything left for the difficult times as you are lazy. In winters, you feed yourself on a pile of cow dung. Look at me! I work hard and gather a store of grain for the winter. Later on, when you shiver in the cold, I am safe and at peace in my cosy home. I am prepared to live in any season of the year.”

πŸ”₯Look at your own faults, before finding faults in others.

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🌸The Girl and the Spider

Once, there lived a beautiful girl named Amelia.

One day, Amelia was climbing the stairs to the attic to play with her toys. Alas! Her frock, made out of muslin cloth, was torn by a sharp nail. When Amelia saw the torn hem of her favourite frock, she became very sad. She kept crying for a long time. Hearing her sobs, a Spider who was busy weaving his web, came out. He asked, “What makes this beautiful girl sad?”

Amelia looked at him and sobbed. She said, “My lovely frock is torn. I am very sad.”

The Spider smiled and said, “Look at me! I work so hard in weaving my web. It takes hours and hours to create my home and only a second for it to be destroyed. I had made my home only yesterday. It was ashed away by your maid this morning. I was also very sad. Then I thought that instead of being sad, I should start weaving my home, again. So, don’t cry now. Mend your frock, instead. That way, your precious tears won’t be wasted.”

πŸ”₯Do not waste time in thinking of what is lost.

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🌸The Iron eating mice

Allan and Bailey were childhood friends. They grew up to be prosperous merchants. Their houses were filled with luxuries of life. It so happened that once Allan suffered a great loss in his business. He decided to go to another city to find a new means of livelihood, earn some money and return to his native town to start a new business.

Allan took an iron balance beam inherited from his ancestors and went to Bailey’s house. There he said, “Dear friend, I would like to pawn this heavy and precious beam for some money. I need the money to invest in some small-time business in the city.”

“You do not need to ask dear friend,” said Bailey. “You may leave your property with me.” Thus assured, Allan went to the city with the money leaving the iron-beam in Bailey’s care.

One day Bailey thought, “What a heavy ironbeam it is! It must weigh about 60 kilos. Why give it back to Allan when I can keep it for myself.” So he hid the ironbeam in his storeroom.

After a few months, Allan returned as a rich man as his sound investments had paid well. He went to meet his friend Bailey with some gifts. He intended to take back the iron-beam he had pawned.

Allan said to Bailey, “Dear friend, now I am back, I would like you to take this money and return the iron balance beam I had kept with you.”

“Oh dear,” exclaimed Bailey with a forlorn expression, “How do I give it back to you ? The mice have eaten your balance beam.”

At this, Allan was surprised as he knew that mice could not eat iron. He at once realised Bailey’s wicked intentions. Without showing any surprise or comprehension on his straight face Allan said, “Yes, my friend, it may be so for all things in the universe are here for their allotted time. Anyway let it be. But now I am going to the river to take a bath, would you be kind enough to send your son Ashley with me? He can take care of my clothes as I take my bath.”

To this Bailey readily agreed and let his son Ashley accompany Allan. He did so as he was conscience-stricken at his cheating deed.

Allan took Ashley along with him to a river which ran by a mountain. There was a cave in the mountain where Allan hid Ashley. He, then blocked the cave’s mouth with a huge rock to prevent Ashley’s escape. Allan returned to Bailey. When Bailey asked about Ashley’s whereabouts, Allan said in a woeful voice, “Friend, I am sorry to bring you this sad news. Your son Ashley was carried away by a arge hawk when I was taking my bath.

“But that’s not possible,” said Bailey. “Whoever heard of a hawk carrying away a young boy? It is unbelievable!” exclaimed Bailey.

“Why, dear friend,” retorted Allan, “when I can be taken in by the tale of the iron-eating mice why don’t you believe what I tell you?”

Then Bailey realised that Allan had comprehended his cheating act. He at once felt even more guilty and promptly asked for Allan’s forgiveness. He promised to return Allan’s iron balance beam and Allan led Bailey to rescue Ashley from the mountain cave.

πŸ”₯Tit for Tat is the way of


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🌸The Hermit And The Mouse

Long time ago, in the jungle of Malkand, there lived a hermit named Shalakya. Everyday at dawn he would take a dip in the holy Ganges, chant mantras, and worship God.

One evening when he was sitting near the banks of Ganges, he saw a small mouse hiding from the piercing eyes of a hawk. “Oh poor mouse! If I don’t take it along with me, the hawk would carry it off.”

So, Shalakya took the mouse to his hermitage.

“I will change this mouse to a girl,” he thought. “Then she would stay with me as my daughter, and look after me.” He transformed the mouse to a girl. He named her Apsara. With the passing years, she became a beautiful damsel. She took care of the hermit, brought flowers from the forest, and arranged for the puja. Shalakya decided to look for a groom for Apsara. Seeing the radiant beauty of Apsara, the hermit thought the Sun God would be the perfect match for her. He invited the Sun God with his spiritual powers.

The Sun God was spellbound by her beauty. “Ah! Beautiful maiden, would you like to marry me?” he proposed.

“I cannot marry you,” said. Apsara. “Your heat would be unbearable for me.”

The hermit then asked the Sun God, “Is there anybody more powerful than you; who would be worthy of my daughter?”

“The Cloud would make a better pair with Apsara,” he replied. “He can overcast me with his power.”

Then the hermit invoked the Cloud.

“The Cloud is like a vagabond!” said Apsara. “So I am not willing to marry him also.”

The cloud advised, “Mountain is more powerful than me. It can block my way.”

Now Shalakya invoked the mountain.

Apsara expressed her unwillingness. “The mountain is too heavy! I will be crushed under his weight!”

The mountain said, “The mouse would be the ideal match for you. He can dig up holes through me.”

Then sillakya called a mouse.

Apsara was delighted to see the mouse and thought it to be the perfect match for her. Seeing the glow on Apsara’s face the hermit transformed Apsara to a mouse.

The hermit blessed the Mouse couple and realized that.

πŸ”₯Just by changing the outer appearance one cannot change one’s inner self.

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🌸The Enemy’s Advice

It is well known that crabs and herons have been enemies since ages but sometimes grief and sudden loss does affect one’s power of thinking wisely. Thus, a heron fell prey to a crab’s wicked trick.

A heron once stood by a lake with a grim face. From a distance a crab had been watching him for along. So he enquired.

“Dear Uncle, what ails you so see you are very sad and grief-stricken today?”

“Dear, Dear, what do I tell you?” cried the heron. “We have been living happily on the nearby tree for years. All our previous generations have grown up on it but alas there would be no more herons on this tree I”

“Why is it so, Uncle Ps questioned the crab.

“It is because a snake has come to live in the tree-hole and he eats up our chicks each time they hatch. I have no way of getting rid of the devil.”

“Uncle, I have a remedy for you,” suggested the crab. “A mongoose lives in a hole on a nearby tree. All you have to do is put a trail of fresh fish from the mongoose’s hole to the snake’s tree-hole. The mongoose will follow the trail feeding on the fish and when he reaches the snake’s hole they will surely fight. The snake will be killed by the mongoose and you would be free from all troubles.”

The heron thanked the crab profusely for his advice and soon set out to carry out the plan.

The plan did work but after killing the snake the mongoose ate up the heron’s chicks too.


πŸ”₯Think before you act.

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🌸The Different One

Once a Lion and a Lioness lived in a forest with their twin cubs. One day as usual the Lion went out to hunt for food but it being an unlucky day he did not find any. On his wav hack he saw a jackal cub and brought him home.

“Dear I did not find any food today. I think we can forgo our meal but the kids need food and this jackal cub would suffice them,” said the Lion.

At this the Lioness said, “No, dear, I cannot be so cruel. I am a mother and after all this is a young baby. I will bring it up as my son.”

So it came to be that the baby jackal stayed with the lion’s family and grew into a young and healthy jackal.. The time came when the Lioness taught the jackal and her two sons the art of hunting. Soon they were skilled at hunting small rabbits and deer.

One day when out for their hunt the three encountered a mad elephant. The lion cubs, fearless as they were approached the wild beast to kill it but the jackal said to them, “No, brothers, do not go near him for elephants are our enemy. You will be killed.”

Hearing this the valiant Lion cubs lost courage and shrunk back.

At home they narrated the incident to their mother, the Lioness. The Lioness took the jackal aside and advised, “You are valiant in your own right and though I fed you my own milk and brought you up as my son you are still a jackal. If you tease my sons their lion spirit would at once react someday and you shall be sorry for that. Now you are young and do not know the difference between the lions and the jackals, I ask you to go away to your own kind. Go and join them before it’s too late.”

The jackal understood the logic of the Lioness’ talk and stole away stealthily to join his own kind.


πŸ”₯A Jackal remains a Jackal.

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🌸A Wizard and a Mouse

Long ago, there lived a great Wizard. One day, as he was walking through the village, a Mouse fell to

the ground from the beak of a crow. He picked up the Mouse and fed him some rice.

Then, one day, the Wizard saw a Cat chasing the Mouse around the village. Scared that his pet Mouse would be killed by the Cat, he turned the Mouse into a Cat so that it could defend itself.

The next day, the Wizard saw his Cat frightened by a Tiger and immediately changed him into a
The villagers said, “That’s not a Tiger! It’s just a Mouse that the Wizard changed into a Tiger. He won’t eat us or even scare us.”
When the Tiger heard this, he was furious with the Wizard. He thought, ‘As long as the Wizard is alive, the truth about my real nature will always be spoken!’
But as soon as the Wizard saw the Tiger coming, he understood his plan and shouted, “Get back into the
form of a Mouse.”
The Tiger shrank and became a little Mouse, once again.

πŸ”₯Whoever we grow up to be, we should always be


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🌸The Mice who Travelled

A Mouse, tired of living in constant fear, said to her neighbour, “I read about a place called Indies where Mice are safer. The people there believe that the soul of a Mouse has been in the body of a great person. After the Mouse dies, it will re-enter the body of another great person. That’s why Mice are treated affectionately there. Even hospitals are built for them. Let us go to this country and live happily.”

The neighbour replied, “Don’t Cats enter these hospitals? If they do, then the Mice would be dying, quickly and in great numbers.”

“Fear not,” said the first Mouse. “The Cats have their houses and hospitals far away from ours.”

The Mice then crept into a ship, which was set to sail. After a long journey, they reached Indies.

There, the Mice entered a house, expecting a warm welcome. However, the Indian Mice fought with the newly arrived Mice. Instead of being eaten up by Cats, they were killed by their own kind.

πŸ”₯Be wise and stay away from danger.

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🌸The Elephant and the Animals

The animals in Happy Valley were sad. They were all troubled that some creatures were unkind to the others. The strong, kind Elephant was their leader, so the animals ran to him and told him all.

The Elephant wanted to know which animals were bad. So, he called the animals for a meeting and told them to stop their bad habits. Being lazy, cruel, selfish or jealous would spoil the happiness of the whole forest.

All the gentle animals like the Dog, Camel, Sheep, Dove, Ant and Bee, listened carefully to the Elephant’s words. They nodded in agreement. However, animals like the Tiger, Wolf, Snake, Wasp, Hornet, Fly, Grasshopper and Ape became very angry with the Elephant’s words. These animals were cruel and mean to the weaker animals. They grumbled and murmured loudly.

The Elephant trumpeted for silence.

Then he continued, “I gave my advice to everyone here, but only some of you were happy to hear me!” He explained that those who agreed with his advice were the good animals, but the ones who were angry with his words were the real troublemakers!

πŸ”₯Good advice hurts those who do wrong things.

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🌸The Spaniel and the Mastiff

One day, a good-natured Spaniel and a grumpy Mastiff were travelling on the same road.

The Spaniel, although an entire stranger to the Mastiff, very politely approached him and asked, “May I please walk with you on this journey?”

The Mastiff replied, “I have no problem, you may walk along with me.”

Both the dogs started walking together, chatting with each other.

Mastiffs are huge and by nature protective, but very ferocious dogs. Soon the two reached the next village. The Mastiff began to show his nasty nature. He growled at everyone he met, without any reason. He started leaping and snapping at them.

The annoyed villagers ran out with great sticks. They wanted to protect their own dogs. Then, they struck both the dogs mercilessly. The poor Spaniel was also not spared. He got badly beaten just for being found in the company of the nasty Mastiff.

The Spaniel said, “Alas, I was never beaten in this manner before. Now, I know that quick friendships with strangers can be bad. One’s good or bad fortune depends upon the type of friends one makes!”

πŸ”₯Avoid bad company, as it brings ruin.

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🌸The Ass and the Gardener

Once, an Ass had an accident and lost his tail. He was very saddened by this loss. He cried the whole day and missed his tail. He thought, ‘I miss having my tail. I think I should go out and search for it!’

The Ass went all around the meadow searching for his tail. He was weeping, when he entered a garden. He crushed the plants under his feet as he was lost in his own thoughts. The Gardener saw the Ass and became alert. He thought, ‘This Ass has come to my garden to spoil my plants and eat my vegetables. I will have to save my garden from him!’

The Gardener went inside his cottage and brought a pair of scissors. When he saw the Ass walking over his vegetables and plants, he got angry. He shouted at the Ass, but the Ass did not listen to him.

The Gardener ran towards the Ass and cut off both his ears. The Ass was shocked and cried in pain. Now, besides his tail, he also cried out for the loss of his ears!

πŸ”₯We should not lose our senses in difficult times, for we may then face more losses.

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🌸 The Ape and the Carpenter

Once, an Ape was watching a Carpenter cut a wooden log into two. First the Carpenter put a small wedge into the crack of the log, to keep it open. When the crack was wide enough, he hammered in a large wedge and pulled the first one out.

At noon, the Carpenter went home for lunch. The Ape thought, ‘If the Carpenter can cut the wooden log, so can I!’

The Ape jumped and sat on the Carpenter’s bench. When he got ready to cut the log, his long tail slipped into the crack in the log.

The Ape did not notice this, but set to work. He put the first wedge in exactly as he had seen the Carpenter do it. But then he pulled it out before he had driven in the second one. The two sides of the log instantly sprang together. The Ape’s tail was caught between them.

The poor Ape cried out in pain. The Carpenter returned and laughed at the Ape. He said, “I am sure you now know what happens when you interfere in other people’s work.”

πŸ”₯We should not interfere in other people’s work.

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Story of the Day

🌸The Goat and the Goatherd

There was once an adventurous Goat. He was young, frisky and curious. He would ask, “What lies on the other side?” The other Goats just bleated and ate more grass.

The Goatherd would try very hard to bring this Goat back in time. The Goat would try his best to be free as long as possible.

One day, as usual, the Goat went exploring.

“Oh, no! That naughty Goat is missing again! Where has he gone now?” cried the angry Goatherd.

The Goatherd whistled till his throat dried up. He blew his horn till he was red in the face.

Tired of everything and wanting to get home to a warm supper and fire, the Goatherd threw a stone at the distant Goat.

This stone hit the Goat’s horn, which broke into two pieces.

The Goatherd was scared that the Master would shout at him for breaking the horn. So, he said to the Goat, “I beg you, do not tell the Master that I broke your horn.”

The Goat said, “You silly fellow, I won’t have to say a thing. The broken horn will tell its own story!”

πŸ”₯Do not attempt to hide things, which cannot be hidden.

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Story of the Day

🌸The Clever Thief

One day, a Thief saw an Old Man counting his money. The Thief wished to snatch his money by making some excuse.

The Thief decided to fool the Old Man and take away his money.

“Why are you stealing fruit from my orchard?” the Thief shouted in anger at the Old Man.

“You must be mistaken,” said the Old Man. “I do not like fruits, so why should I steal from your orchard?”

“Oh stop it!” growled the Thief. Then he thought for a while and said, “Ah! Last year, you spoke bad things about me to your neighbour.”

“No! That cannot be true. I did not live in this house last year,” replied the Old Man.

“Well then, if it was not you, it certainly must have been your brother,” shouted the Thief.

“It cannot have been, for my brother died two years ago, answered the Old Man.

“Never mind, I know it was definitely an Old Man like you, I will not accept excuses anymore,” said the Thief. Then, he snatched the Old Man’s money and ran away with it.

πŸ”₯Bad people will find any excuse to do bad things.

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🌸The Peacock

Before he got his beautiful tail, the Peacock was an ordinary bird, with a small bunch of feathers.

One day, the Peacock visited Juno, the Goddess of Protection. The Peacock told her that he wished to look grand and beautiful. Juno smiled. He was a good bird and she liked him.

The Peacock then described the long train of brightly coloured feathers that he wanted to trail behind him. He also wished to be the loveliest of all the birds!

To his great joy, Juno agreed.

What a wonderful tail he got! Blue and green with a jewel-like pattern, opening up like a fan when he raised it. Now the Peacock decided to walk like a king! So he held his head high and walked with style!

The common birds looked at him in surprise! Even the pretty long tailed pheasants were jealous!

After showing off his tail, the Peacock decided to fly.

The Peacock was shocked! He simply could not fly. He could take a few flying steps, but nothing more! He sadly realised that had lost a wonderful ability, simply because he had wanted to look good!

πŸ”₯Think well before you choose what you want in life.

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🌸The Farmer and the Dog

One evening, a Farmer returned home from his farm. He had left his baby asleep in the cradle. His faithful Dog was watching over the child.

When the Farmer reached the room, he saw the baby’s cradle turned upside down and blood everywhere. The baby was missing.

The Farmer understood that a beast had killed his baby. Now he was very sad and upset.

Then he saw that his Dog was lying quietly with blood on his mouth and body. The Farmer was so angry that he picked up a an axe and hit the Dog. The poor Dog cried out in pain and died.

The Farmer now rushed to the turned cradle and lifted it. His little son was perfectly safe and sleeping, peacefully!

A big, ugly Snake lay dead near the cradle.

The Farmer was shocked. He was happy that his baby was safe, but very sad that his beloved Dog was dead.

Now he understood that his Dog had fought and killed the Snake to save the baby. He realised his mistake.

He had killed his loyal Dog without thinking. Sadly, he picked up his baby.

πŸ”₯Do not make any decision when you are angry.

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🌸The Lion and the Gnat

One afternoon, a Lion had just finished his meal and decided to take his afternoon nap. The Lion had just closed his eyes, when a Gnat saw him.

Now, this Gnat, though active and young, was also haughty and over-confident. He was extremely daring and he attacked the Lion. The Lion was very angry and woke up with a start. But the Gnat did not stop. He kept stinging the Lion’s nose, eyes and ears. The Lion roared in pain. He tried to crush the Gnat but all his attempts went in vain The Gnat had no pity on the poor beast.

At last, the poor Lion la exhausted and bleeding on the ground. The Gnat, extremely pleased on his victory over the King of the Forest, hovered over the spot, praising himself and feeling joyful. His pleasure blinded him so much, that while flying, he suddenly got stuck in a Spider-web. No matter how much he tried, the Gnat could not escape.

Thus, the Gnat who had defeated the mighty Lion became the prey of the Spider.

πŸ”₯If we hurt someone, we will be hurt, too!

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🌸The Lion and the Elephant

Once, a Lion sat thinking by himself. He had sharp, strong claws and teeth and was a beast with immense strength. Yet, whenever he heard a Cock crowing, he would be extremely scared.

The Lion, thus, complained, “Can a life like this be worth living? I am one of the strongest and the bravest and yet, a lowly creature, such as, a Cock has the power to rob my life of its charm by simply crowing!”

Just then, a huge Elephant came along, flapping his ears to and fro, with an air of great concern. “What troubles you so?” asked the Elephant.

The Lion thought of sharing his grief with the Elephant and asked him, “Can anything harm a beast like you who has tremendous bulk and strength?” The Elephant replied, “Do you see this little Gnat? If he ever stings the innermost parts of my ear, I will go mad with pain.”

The Lion understood that even the strongest creatures have weak points. He gained self-confidence and decided never to let troubles overshadow his joys in life.

πŸ”₯We all have weak points. Instead of complaining about them, we should focus on the pleasant things in life.

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🌸The Large Tree

Once, three Crows and two Sparrows lived in a forest. They all were good friends. They would meet every day and fly around together from one place to another. The Crows would constantly look for food and the Sparrows for a place to make their nests.

One day, the Crows said, “Let’s explore this part of the forest. Someone told us there is lots of food here.”
The new part of the forest was beautiful and there was, indeed, plenty of food. However, there was only
one large tree. The Sparrows and the Crows wanted to live there.

The Sparrows told their aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and friends about the new place. Everyone wanted to live there. The Crows also did the same.

Soon, a big fight broke out among the birds. The Crows said, ‘We found the place first, so we will live on
the tree.”
The Sparrows said, “So what? We will live there. We found the tree first.”
After this, the two Sparrows and three Crows also could not be friends.

They constantly fought with each, “You Crows are bad.”
“You Sparrows are fools!”
Thus, they went back to their own kind.

πŸ”₯Birds of a feather flock together.

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🌸The Monkeys and a Bell

Once, there lived a Thief in a kingdom. One day, he stole a Church bell and ran into the forest. Soon, a Tiger saw the Thief, pounced upon him and killed him. The bell dropped to the ground.

Some Monkeys found the bell and started playing with it. When the people found the Thief’s body they
thought, ‘A monster must have killed him and then rung the bell? He will kill all of us now!’

They got scared and started leaving the kingdom.

One day, a brave and clever woman was passing through the forest and saw the Monkeys playing with
the bell.
She had a plan and told the King, “Your Majesty! The monster can be conquered. But it will cost money.”

The King agreed to pay her a large sum of money as he was concerned about the safety of his people.

Then, the woman collected a lot of fruits and pretended to pray. Later, she kept them under a tree in
the forest, and waited, nearby. When the monkeys saw the fruits, they dropped the bell and rushed down.

She quickly picked up the bell and ran back to the city.

πŸ”₯Intelligence and courage will bring success.

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🌸The Ox Who Envied the Pig

Big Red and Little Red were two brother oxen who worked on a farm. The farmer’s wife ordered that a pig should be fattened for their daughter’s wedding. Little Red envied the pig when he saw the good food the pig got to eat. He complained to Big Red, “We get only grass and straw whereas the pig eats much better food.” “The pig is being given good food only to be killed,” consoled Big Red. But the young ox was still sad. A few days later, the pig was killed and cooked for the wedding feast. Big Red said to his brother. “Now you see what has happened to the pig? The food he ate was just to fatten him for this day.” Little Red then realised that it was better to eat simple food and live longer than eat delicious food for only a few days.

🏰 🏑 🏜 πŸ• ⛪️

🌸A Bad Dream

Roderick was a small cat that lived in Mr. Geddes’s house. Every day, he would go to the kitchen to raid his stock of fish, milk and cheese.

One day, he had so much food that his tummy was uncomfortably full. That night he slept on his side. He tossed and turned all night and dreamt of Tiger, Mr. Geddes’s dog, chasing him all over the place. Roderick woke up with a pounding heart. Next day, he was still greedy for more and went to the kitchen and ate a lot again. That night too he had bad dreams. The following day when he went to the kitchen, he found Tiger guarding the food. So he could not have his milk and fish. “Ok!- he thought, “I will have black berries and hazelnuts today.” That night he didn’t have any bad dreams. He decided that he would never eat too much again.

🏰 🏑 🏜 πŸ• ⛪️

🌸The Talking Mule

There once lived a farmer who owned a mule. He made the mule work hard the whole week but on Sunday he allowed it to rest. One Sunday, the farmer had to attend a funeral and so he told his son to saddle the mule. When the son approached the mule, the mule said, “Why are you making me work on a Sunday?” The farmer’s son ran away in fright and told his father about the talking mule. The farmer too was frightened out of his wits on hearing the mule talk. The farmer’s wife and the dog were also terrified. “I don’t believe this! It’s the strangest thing that has ever happened,” exclaimed the farmer’s wife. The cat which was sitting nearby listening to them, purred, “What is so strange? Haven’t you heard that a talking mule has entered the country?” Hearing the cat talk too, the farmer’s wife fainted!

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🌸Mac the Mouse

Tom the cat always chased Mac the mouse. One day when Mac sneaked into the kitchen, Tom set chase again. Mac ran for his life and hid inside the library. While Tom watched the entrance of the library, Mac found a pile of interesting books. He read them and gained knowledge on how to outsmart a cat. However, after a while he was hungry. Peeking around, he noticed Tom—fast asleep. Mac tiptoed across and was about to enter the kitchen, when he heard a loud, “Meow!” He jumped out of the kitchen and ran inside his hole. As Tom guarded the hole all day, Mac thought, “I might not have learnt how to outwit a cat as yet, but I have learnt enough to save myself.”

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🌸The Fox and the Grapes

One hot summer day, a fox was looking for food. He roamed about for a long time but couldget nothing. His stomach growled in hunger and his throat was dry with thirst. He was cursing his luck when he found himself inside a farmyard. He saw a bunch of ripe, juicy grapes on a vine hanging high on a branch. His mouth watered at the sight. Moving back a few paces, he jumped high to get hold of the grapes. But the grapes were too high for him to reach. He tried again and again but failed each time. Finally he grew tired and walked away saying, “I’m sure these grapes are sour. So I don’t want them anymore.”

A crow sitting on a tree, nearby laughed at the fox for showing disinterest because he was unable to get what he wanted.

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🌸The Gardener and the Donkey

John had a big farm. Every week he went to the market to get more seeds and manure for his garden. John would always take his donkey along to carry the load. But every time he overloaded his donkey.

Once he went to the market and got huge sacks of manure. On the way back home, he loaded his donkey as usual. The climb to the town was steep. Along the way, John saw some wood and thought, “This would be useful in my garden.” He placed some logs on the donkey saying; “This is hardly any weight.”

After sometime, he came across some sugarcane fields. “Let me have one or two,” he thought aloud and loaded the donkey again. After climbing for a while, John felt hot and unbuttoned his coat. As he was about to place it on the donkey, the donkey collapsed and couldn’t get up. John realised his mistake and was never ever unkind to his donkey again.

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🌸The Three Little pigs, the Tomatoes and the Apples

In a valley lived three pigs and a wolf. The wolf was always schema to eat the pigs. He tried to catch them many times but they always managed to escape. One day, he knocked at the pigs’ door, “Hello, friends! I have come to tell you about the delicious tomatoes in Jack’s farm. Come out! I will take you there,” he said. The pigs replied, “Thank you, friend! Come back at five o’clock in the evening. We will go with you.” As soon as the wolf left, the pigs went to the farm and brought a huge basket of ripe red tomatoes. The wolf was annoyed. But he tried his luck again. “Come, let’s go to the farm to pick apples!” the wolf invited the pigs. We will meet you at six o’ clock,” said the pigs. This time, the wolf arrived at the farm at five o’ clock. But the pigs were already up in the tree. When they saw the wolf, they threw the apples at him and the wolf had to run away.

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🌸The Donkey Who Nursed a Silly Dream

Once upon a time, a donkey worked for a potter. The donkey carried heavy loads for his master. However, the potter was very cruel and used to beat the donkey with a stick, everyday.

One day, the donkey’s cousin who lived in the nearby village came to meet the donkey. The donkey was very pleased to see his cousin and offered him grass and barley to eat. His cousin liked the donkey’s place, and decided to stay on for a day or two.

The next day, the potter put a heavy load on the donkey’s back, and then started beating him with a stick. The donkey’s cousin had never seen such merciless beating in his whole life.

In the evening the cousin asked the donkey, my dear brother, please tell me, do you get beaten up like this every day?”

Trying to smile, the donkey said, “Yes, my dear cousin. My master beats me up everyday.

His cousin asked, “If so, then why don’t you leave your master? Why don’t you run away? What is the charm in staying here?”

The donkey replied, “You see, the potter has a beautiful daughter.”

His cousin interrupted, “So! What are you trying to say?”

The donkey continued, “Whenever the girl makes a mistake or does not obey her father, the potter says, ‘I will marry you off to this donkey.’ You can now understand why I am staying at this place. My future is bright here, you see!

The donkey’s cousin burst into laughter. He could not believe what the donkey was saying. Laughing, the cousin said, “You are silly, my dear brother. The day will never come when the potter will marry off his daughter to you.”


πŸ”₯Be practical. Don’t wait for impossible things to happen.

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🌸The Foolish Bear

There lived a bear by a riverside in a jungle. One day, he felt hungry. He came out of his den to look for food.

The bear went to the river to catch some fish. Standing by the side of the river, he stared into the water. Soon enough, he saw a fish. He pounced on the fish, and caught it. But then, the bear thought, “This is too small a fish to fill my stomach. I must catch a bigger fish.”

So, he let off the small fish. He waited for some time, till he caught another fish. This time too the fish was small. He thought that the small fish would not fill his belly. So he again let the fish go off.

This way he caught many small fish, but let all of them go off, still thinking that the small fish would not fill his belly. By sunset, the bear had not caught any big fish.

What was worse, having kept standing for very long, the bear now felt tired.

He slowly began to feel sorry for having let off so many fish. He realized that all those small fish, together would have filled up his belly, but now it was too late. He had to remain hungry that day.


πŸ”₯A small fish in hand is worth a big fish in the water.

🏰 🏑 🏜 πŸ• ⛪️

🌸 Racism

This happened on TAM airlines.

A 50-something year old white woman arrived at her seat and saw that the passenger next to her was a black man.

Visibly furious, she called the air hostess.”What’s the problem, ma?” the hostess asked her
“Can’t you see?” the lady said – “I was given a seat next to a black man. I can’t seat here next to him. You have to change my seat”

– “Please, calm down, ma” – said the hostess
“Unfortunately, all the seats are occupied, but I’m still going to check if we have any.”

The hostess left and returned some minutes later.

“Madam, as I told you, there isn’t any empty seat in this class- economy class.
But I spoke to the captain and he confirmed that there isn’t any empty seats in the economy class. We only have seats in the first class.”

And before the woman said anything, the hostess continued

“Look, it is unusual for our company to allow a passenger from the economy class change to the first class.
However, given the circumstances, the commandant thinks that it would be a scandal to make a passenger travel sat next to an unpleasant person.”

And turning to the black man, the hostess said:

“Which means, Sir, if you would be so nice to pack your handbag, we have reserved you a seat in the first class…”

And all the passengers nearby, who were shocked to see the scene started applauding, some standing on their feet.”


🏰 🏑 🏜 πŸ• ⛪️

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